About Us
Atomic and Molecular Physics Group
Deapartment of Physics, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, India
The group conducts theoretical atomic, molecular, and optical physics research and focuses primarily on the fundamental aspects of electron, positron, and photon-induced chemistry of atoms and molecules. These studies provide vital input to many scientific and technological areas such as astrophysics, plasmas, controlled deposition of thin films, and biological systems.
Current team:
- 5 Ph.D. students, 1 graduate students and 1 undergraduate student.
Degrees awarded:
- Ph.D. - 11 | M.Phil. - 3 | M.Sc. - 31 | B.Tech. - 7
Publications & Projects:
- Journal articles - 135 | Research projects - 6.
The group's research interests are in investigating electron, positron, and photon-induced studies of atoms and molecules of applied interest. These are rudimentary processes in many environments owing to the availability of abundant free electrons, positrons, and photons to interact with atoms and molecules present there. For example, the detection of a number of atomic, molecular, and ionic species in the interstellar medium has enriched the database owing to the availability of sophisticated radio-astronomical instruments. This 'molecular hunting' has resulted in the detection of more than 200 species to date. The interaction of these compounds with different sub-atomic particles (electrons, positrons, and photons) helps to underpin the physics and local chemistry of these mediums and helps in unraveling the mystries of the formation of our universe. The same is true for plasmas, controlled thin film deposition, and biological systems. We use appropriate quantum mechanical theories to compute the elastic and inelastic (electronic excitations, ionization, and positronium formation) cross sections and photoionization of intermediate- to high-energy electron/positron impact processes.
Electron induced chemistry
Electron collisions are rudimentary processes in any atmosphere because there are plenty of free electrons available to interact with molecules. Such processes influencing the outcome of the local chemistry are of great significance for understanding these mediums. We use the CSP-ic method to estimate the ionization cross section from the total inelastic cross section, which we deduce using the SCOP formalism. We perform low-energy electron collision calculations using the UK R-Matrix method.
The details may be obtained from: J. Appl. Phys. 136 (2024) 44901.
Positron scattering dynamics
Interstellar detection of atoms, molecules, and ions has enriched in recent years owing to the availability of sophisticated radio-astronomical instruments. This 'molecular hunting' has resulted in the detection of more than 200 species to date. The interaction of these compounds with different sub-atomic particles, such as positrons, helps to underpin the physics of the universe's formation. We use the mSCOP formalism to compute the positron impact elastic and inelastic (positronium formation, electronic excitations, and ionization) cross sections.
The details may be obtained from: RSC Advances 14 (2024) 38855..
Photoionization studies
Photoionization is the primary source of ions produced in the interstellar medium and upper atmosphere of astral bodies. When photons interact with an atom or molecule, various processes like excitation, ionization, fragmentation, etc. occur depending on the energy of the primary photon. This interaction provides a rich spectrum of data. These spectroscopic data analyses provide remarkable information about these processes, which in turn helps to understand their environment's photochemistry. We performed these calculations using the UK R-matrix method.
The details may be obtained from: MNRAS 533 (2024) 2048..
List of Publications
- Positron scattering from interstellar phosphorus-bearing compounds. Irabati Chakraborty, Nafees Uddin, Bobby Antony. RSC Advances 14 (2024) 38855-38863.
- Photoionization of hydrogen halides using the R-matrix method. Sapna Mahla and Bobby Antony. MNRAS 533 (2024) 2048.
- Calculation of electron-impact ionization of various benzene derivatives. Anirudh Krishnadas, Nidhi Sinha, Tom Kirchner and Bobby Antony. Phys. Scr. 99 (2024) 95403.
- Electron scattering cross sectional data for precursors used in plasma-assisted deposition. Meenu Pandey and Bobby Antony. J. Appl. Phys. 136 (2024) 44901.
- Ionization of sulfur clusters, Sn (n = 2-8) by electron collisions. Himani Tomer, Nafees Uddin and Bobby Antony. Rad. Phys. Chem. 222 (2024) 111827.
- Electron impact ionization of prebiotic interstellar molecules . Irabati Chakraborty, Nidhi Sinha, Bobby Antony. Rad. Phys. Chem. 216 (2024) 111421.
- Positron scattering from structurally related biomolecules. Sapna Mahla and Bobby Antony. RSC Advances 14 (2024) 1397-1406.
- Calculations of electron scattering cross sections from tungsten precursors used in FEBID. Meenu Pandey and Bobby Antony. J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phenom. 271 (2024) 147430.
- Electron impact ionization of prebiotic interstellar molecules . Irabati Chakraborty, Nidhi Sinha, Bobby Antony. Rad. Phys. Chem. 216 (2023) 111421.
- Low energy electron scattering from pyrrole and its isomers. Himani Tomer, Biplab Goswami, Paresh Modak, Mohammad Jane Alam, Shabbir Ahmad, Bobby Antony. J. Phys. Chem. A 127 (2023) 10464.
- Theoretical Investigations of Positron Collisions with Phosphorus-containing Compounds. Sapna Mahla, Bobby Antony. J. Appl. Phys. 134 (2023) 124901.
- Study of Electron Collisions with Isoprene, 1,2-Butadiene, and Their Isomers. Sapna Mahla, Paresh Modak, Bobby Antony. J. Phys. Chem. A 127 (2023) 5414.
- Electron impact cross section of C5H10 isomers. Irabati Chakraborty, Nidhi Sinha, Bobby Antony. Chem. Phys. 573 (2023) 111974.
- Determination and assessment of a complete and self-consistent electron-neutral collision cross-section set for the C4F7N molecule. Boya Zhang, Mai Hao, Yuyang Yao, Jiayu Xiong, Xingwen Li, Anthony B Murphy, Nidhi Sinha, Bobby Antony, Harindranath B Ambalampitiya. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56 (2023) 134001.
- Electron scattering and ionization of astrophysical molecules. Nafees Uddin, Himani Tomer, Bobby Antony. Rad. Phys. Chem. 204 (2023) 110686-1010.
- DC Breakdown Characteristics of C4 F7 N/CO2 Mixtures with Particle-in-cell Simulation. Jianwei Zhang, Nidhi Sinha, Ming Jiang, Hongguang Wang, Yongdong Li, Bobby Antony and Chunliang Liu. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 29 (2022) 1005-1010.
- Investigation of Electron Scattering from Vinyl Ether and Its Isomers. Himani Tomer, Biplab Goswami, Bobby Antony. Atoms 10 (2022) 43.
- Electron scattering from molecules relevant to Titan’s atmosphere. Himani Tomer, Paresh Modak, Mohammad Jane Alam, Shabbir Ahmad, Bobby Antony. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 470 (2021) 116708.
- Electron impact scattering from pentane molecules and effect of isomerism on cross section. Himani Tomer, Paresh Modak, Nidhi Sinha, Bobby Antony. Chem. Phys. Impact 3 (2021) 100032.
- Electron and positron backscattering from condensed targets. Nidhi Sinha, Priyanka Subraveti and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54 (2021) 205001.
- Electron collision with N2H and HCO. Paresh Modak, Abhisek Singh, Biplab Goswami, Bobby Antony. Euro. Phys. J. D 75 (2021) 264.
- On the Electron Impact Integral Cross-Sections for Butanol and Pentanol Isomers. Nafees Uddin, Paresh Modak, Bobby Antony. Atoms 9 (2021) 43.
- Mean Free Paths and Cross Sections for Electron Scattering from Liquid Water. Nidhi Sinha and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. Chem. B 125 (2021) 5479-5488.
- Electron scattering from HNCO. Paresh Modak and Bobby Antony. Euro. Phys. J. D 75 (2021) 54.
- Rydberg transitions and photoionisation cross section of NH3. Paresh Modak and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54 (2020) 15204.
- A decade with VAMDC: results and ambitions. Damien Albert, Bobby Antony, et. al.. Atoms 8 (2020) 76.
- Electron scattering studies of BF and BF2. Dhanoj Gupta, Heechol Choi, Mi-Young Song, Suvam Singh, Bobby Antony, Kalyan Chakrabarti, Jung-Sik Yoon and Jonathan Tennyson. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 (2020) 225203.
- Electron induced scattering cross section for pyrrole and its isomers. Himani Tomer, Paresh Modak, Sridhar Sahu and Bobby Antony. Euro. Phys. J. D 78 (2020) 198.
- Electron Scattering Cross Sections for Anthracene and Pyrene. Suvam Singh, Dhanoj Gupta, Bobby Antony, Maria Tudorovskaya and Jonathan Tennyson. J. Phys. Chem. A 124 (2020) 7088-7100.
- Positron scattering from atoms and molecules. Sultana Nahar and Bobby Antony. Atoms 8 (2020) 29.
- Positron scattering from pyridine and pyrimidine. Nidhi Sinha, Aloka Kumar Sahoo and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. Chem. A 124 (2020) 5147-5156.
- Low energy electron scattering from dimethyl ether. Nidhi Sinha and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. Chem. A 124 (2020) 3581-3589.
- Ionisation cross sections for plasma relevant molecules. Nidhi Sinha, Vraj Patel and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 (2020) 145101.
- Probing photon interaction with H2O and D2O. Paresh Modak and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 (2020) 45202.
- Photoionization of CO using R-matrix theory. Paresh Modak and Bobby Antony. Astrophys. J. 887 (2019) 262.
- Inelastic cross sections for pentane isomers by positron impact. Nidhi Sinha and Bobby Antony. Mol. Phys. 117 (2019) 2527-2534.
- Electron impact ionisation cross sections for complex molecules. Nidhi Sinha, Dhanoj Gupta and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 (2019) 145202.
- Positron scattering: total elastic and grand total cross sections for molecules of astrophysical importance. Nidhi Sinha, Durgesini Patel and Bobby Antony. Chemistry Select 4 (2019) 4575-4581.
- Electron scattering from FO. Paresh Modak and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 (2019) 95202.
- Total ionization cross section of cyclic organic molecules. Dhanoj Gupta, Heechol Choi, Suvam Singh, Paresh Modak, Bobby Antony, Deuk-Chul Kwon, Mi-Young Song and Jung-Sik Yoon. J. Chem. Phys. 150 (2019) 64313.
- Inelastic cross sections for pentane isomers by positron impact. Nidhi Sinha and Bobby Antony. Mol. Phys. 177 (2019) 2527-2534.
- Electron induced scattering by Germane. Pankaj Verma, Suvam Singh, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Euro. Phys. J. D 72 (2018) 207.
- Theoretical study of positron scattering from pentane isomers. Nidhi Sinha and Bobby Antony. Chem. Phys. Letts. 713 (2018) 282-288.
- Plasma relevant electron scattering cross sections of propene. Suvam Singh, Dhanoj Gupta and Bobby Antony. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 27 (2018) 105014.
- Theoretical study of positron scattering by group 14 tetra hydrides: A quantum mechanical approach. Nidhi Sinha, Suvam Singh and Bobby Antony. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 118 (2018) e25679.
- Electron impact total ionization cross section for C4 and C5 isomeric alcohols. Nafees Uddin, Pankaj Verma, Mohammad Jane Alam, Shabbir Ahmad and Bobby Antony. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 431 (2018) 37-42.
- Electron and Positron Induced Scattering from Propene. Suvam Singh, Dhanoj Gupta and Bobby Antony. J. Appl. Phys. 124 (2018) 34901.
- Positron induced scattering cross sections for hydrocarbons relevant to plasma. Suvam Singh and Bobby Antony. Phys. of Plasmas 25 (2018) 53503.
- Positron scattering calculations of elastic, total and momentum transfer cross section for alkaline earth atoms. Suvam Singh, Anamika Sen and Bobby Antony. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 428 (2018) 22-28.
- Study of elastic and inelastic channels by positron impact on inert gases. Suvam Singh, Jaspreet Kaur, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Euro. Phys. J. D 72 (2018) 69.
- Electron-induced scattering dynamics of Boron, Aluminium and Gallium trihalides in the intermediate energy domain. Pankaj Verma, Mohammad Jane Alam, Shabbir Ahmad and Bobby Antony. Mol. Phys. 116 (2018) 1208-1217.
- Electron and Positron Interaction with Pyrimidine: A Theoretical Investigation. Nidhi Sinha and Bobby Antony. J. Appl. Phys. 123 (2018) 124906.
- Positron scattering from methyl halides. Nidhi Sinha, Paresh Modak, Suvam Singh and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. Chem. A 122 (2018) 2513-2522.
- Effect of 60Co ?-ray on the interface and transport properties of Gallium Phosphide based Schottky diode. N Shiwakoti, A Bobby, K Asokan and Bobby Antony. Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 74 (2018) 1-6.
- Positron scattering studies of different inelastic channels for group IIA elements. Suvam Singh, Anamika Sen and Bobby Antony. Chem. Phys. Letts. 692 (2018) 242-248.
- Positron Impact Total Cross Sections of Alkali atoms. Nidhi Sinha, Suvam Singh and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 (2018) 15204.
- Elastic scattering of electrons by silicon, germanium and tin tetrahalides. Pankaj Verma and Bobby Antony. J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phenom. 222 (2018) 51-56.
- Positronium formation and ionization of atoms and diatomic molecules by positron impact. Suvam Singh, Bobby Antony. Europhys. Letts. 119 (2017) 50006.
- Study of BenW (n=1-12) clusters: An electron collision perspective. Paresh Modak, Jaspreet Kaur and Bobby Antony. Phys. of Plasmas 24 (2017) 83514.
- Study of inelastic channels by positron impact on simple molecules. Suvam Singh, Bobby Antony. J. Appl. Phys. 121 (2017) 244903.
- Positron scattering from simple molecules. Suvam Singh, Sangita Dutta, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 (2017) 135202.
- Electron impact scattering and calculated ionization cross sections for SFx (x=1-5). Biplab Goswami, Bobby Antony, Stephan Fritzsche. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 417 (2017) 8-15.
- Cross sections for electron collision with difluoroacetylene. Dhanoj Gupta, Heechol Choi, Deuk-Chul Kwon, Jung-Sik Yoon, Bobby Antony and Mi-Young Song. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 (2017) 85202.
- Transport properties of Gallium Phosphide based Schottky contact with thin insulating layer. N Shiwakoti, A Bobby, K Asokan and Bobby Antony. Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 61 (2017) 145-149.
- Electron-silane scattering cross section for plasma assisted processes. Pankaj Verma, Jaspreet Kaur and Bobby Antony. Phys. of Plasmas 24 (2017) 33501.
- The role of electronic energy loss in SHI irradiated Ni/oxide/n-GaP Schottky diode. Shiwakoti, A Bobby, K Asokan and Bobby Antony. Microelectronics Reliability 69 (2017) 40-46.
- Effect of Au8+ irradiation on Ni/n-GaP Schottky diode: its influence on interface state density and relaxation time. N Shiwakoti, A Bobby, K Asokan and Bobby Antony. Physica B. 504 (2017) 133-138.
- Cross section studies of cyanoacetylene by electron impact. Jaspreet Kaur, Nigel Mason and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 225202.
- Electron scattering from C2-C8 symmetric ether molecules. Paresh Modak, Suvam Singh, Jaspreet Kaur and Bobby Antony. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 409 (2016) 1-8.
- Electron induced inelastic and ionization cross section for plasma modeling. Pankaj Verma, Dibyendu Mahato, Jaspreet Kaur and Bobby Antony. Phys. of Plasmas 23 (2016) 93512.
- Electron impact ionization cross section for organoplatinum compounds. Dibyendu Mahato, Rahla Naghma, Mohammad Jane Alam, Shabbir Ahmad and Bobby Antony. Mol. Phys. 114 (2016) 3104-3111.
- Interface state density and dielectric properties of Au/n-GaP Schottky diode. N Shiwakoti, A Bobby, K Asokan and Bobby Antony. J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B 34 (2016) 051206-1-6.
- Elastic and total scattering cross section for halogen substituted fluoromethane molecules. Pankaj Verma and Bobby Antony. J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phenom. 210 (2016) 30-35.
- Calculation of total and ionization cross sections for electron scattering by primary benzene compounds. Suvam Singh, Rahla Naghma, Jaspreet Kaur and Bobby Antony. J. Chem. Phys. 145 (2016) 34309.
- A theoretical formalism to estimate positron scattering cross section. Suvam Singh, Sangita Dutta, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. Chem. A 120 (2016) 5685-5692.
- Frequency dependent negative capacitance effect and dielectric properties of swift heavy ion irradiated Ni/n-GaAs Schottky diode. A Bobby, N Shiwakoti, S Verma, K Asokan and B Antony. Physica B. 489 (2016) 23-27.
- Barrier modification of Au/n-GaAs Schottky structure by organic interlayer. A Bobby, N Shiwakoti, P S Gupta and B K Antony. Indian J. Phys. 90 (2016) 307-312.
- The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) Consortium. M.L. Dubernet, B Antony et al. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 74003.
- Temperature dependent dielectric studies of Ni/n-GaP Schottky Diodes by capacitance and conductance measurements. N Shiwakoti, A Bobby, K Asokan and Bobby Antony. Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 42 (2016) 376-382.
- Electron impact ionization cross sections derived from total inelastic cross section for CF3X and CF2X2 (X=H, Cl, Br and I) molecules. P Verma, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Mol. Phys. 114 (2016) 1778-1780.
- Swift heavy ion induced capacitance and dielectric properties of Ni/n-GaAs schottky diode. A Bobby, N Shiwakoti, P M Sarun, S Verma, K Asokan and B K Antony. Curr. Appl. Phys. 15 (2015) 1500-1505.
- Cross section data for ionisation of important cyanides. Jaspreet Kaur and Bobby Antony. J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phenom. 205 (2015) 74-82.
- Electron scattering studies of carbonyl fluoride. Jaspreet Kaur, Nigel Mason and Bobby Antony. Phys. Rev. A 92 (2015) 052702.
- Elastic and total cross sections for simple biomolecules in the intermediate energy range. Dhanoj Gupta, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. AIP Advances 5 (2015) 097159.
- Electron scattering studies of DMS, DMDS and DMSO homologous series. Jaspreet Kaur, Suvam Singh and Bobby Antony. Mol. Phys. 113 (2015) 3883-3890.
- Electron induced ionization cross sections for astrophysical modeling. Jaspreet Kaur and Bobby Antony. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 386 (2015) 24-31.
- Electron impact ionization cross section of atoms. Jaspreet Kaur, Debdeep Goshal, Mudit Gaur, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Can. J. Phys. 93 (2015) 617-625.
- Electron induced ionization of C3 to C6 ethanoates. Jaspreet Kaur, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. RSC Advances 5 (2015) 20090.
- Calculations for electron-impact total ionization cross sections for W, WOx, U and UOx (x=1, 2, 3). Biplab Goswami, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 372 (2014) 8-12.
- Electron scattering from germanium tetrafluoride. Biplab Goswami, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. RSC Advances 4 (2014) 63817.
- Total ionization cross section for chlorofluoromethanes and CClx radicals by electron impact. Dhanoj Gupta and Bobby Antony. Mol. Phys. 112 (2014) 1816-1823.
- Electron impact ionization cross sections for chloroethanes. Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 373 (2014) 34-38.
- Electron impact ionization cross sections of Cycloalkanes, Aldehydes and Ketones. Dhanoj Gupta and Bobby Antony. J. Chem. Phys. 141 (2014) 054303.
- Electron impact total ionization cross sections for simple bio -molecules: a theoretical approach. Dhanoj Gupta, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Mol. Phys. 112 (2014) 1201-1209.
- Electron impact scattering by arsine. Jaspreet Kaur, Dhanoj Gupta and Bobby Antony. Phys. Rev. A 90 (2014) 012711.
- Electron impact scattering of SF6 over an extensive energy range (1eV-5000 eV). Biplab Goswami and Bobby Antony. RSC Advances 4 (2014) 30953.
- Co60 induced enhancement of electrical properties in Au/n-GaAs Schottky structures.. A Bobby, N Shiwakoti, S Verma, P S Gupta and Bobby Antony. Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 21 (2014) 116-121.
- Total cross sections for O2 and S2 by electron impact. Rahla Naghma, Minaxi Vinodkumar and Bobby Antony. Rad. Phys. Chem. 97 (2014) 6-11.
- On the electron impact ionization of silicon and metal containing organic molecules. Biplab Goswami and Bobby Antony. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 361 (2014) 28-33.
- 0.1 to 2000 eV electron impact cross sections for dichlorine monoxide. Biplab Goswami, Dhanoj Gupta and Bobby Antony. J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phenom. 193 (2014) 86-91.
- Total cross sections for electron scattering with halocarbon molecules. Rahla Naghma, Dhanoj Gupta and Bobby Antony. J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phenom. 193 (2014) 48-53.
- Electron impact ionization cross sections for chlorinated and brominated methane and CnH2n+1Cl(where n=2, 3, 4) molecules. Rahla Naghma, Dhanoj Gupta, Biplab Goswami and Bobby Antony. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 360 (2014) 39-44.
- Total scattering cross sections for ethylene by electron impact for incident electron energies from 1 eV to2000 eV. Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 114 (2014) 271-277.
- Electron induced chemistry of disilane. Dhanoj Gupta, Rahla Naghma, Biplab Goswami and Bobby Antony. RSC Advances 4 (2014) 9197-9204.
- Phase transition induced double-Gaussian barrier height distribution in Schottky diodes. A Bobby, S Verma, K Asokan, P M Sarun and B K Antony. Physica B. 431 (2013) 6-10.
- Electron impact total ionization cross sections for plasma wall coating elements. Biplab Goswami, Ujjal Saikia, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Chinese J. Phys. 51 (2013) 1172-1183.
- Total cross section for meV to keV electron scattering by Nitrogen dioxide. Dhanoj Gupta, Rahla Naghma, Minaxi Vinodkumar and Bobby Antony. J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phenom. 191 (2013) 71-78.
- Cross sections for electron collisions with NF3. Biplab Goswami, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Phys. Rev. A 88 (2013) 032707.
- Electron impact total and ionization cross sections for Sr, Y, Ru, Pd and Ag atoms. Dhanoj Gupta, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Can. J. Phys. 91 (2013) 744-750.
- Total and elastic cross sections for methyl halides by electron impact. Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phenom. 189 (2013) 17-22.
- Electron impact ionization cross section of C2, C3, Si2, Si3, SiC, SiC2 and Si2C. Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Mol. Phys. 111 (2013) 269-275.
- Computation of electron impact total and differential cross section for allene (C3H4) in the energy range0.1 eV– 2000 eV. Avani Barot, Dhanoj Gupta, Minaxi Vinodkumar and Bobby Antony. Phys. Rev. A 87 (2013) 062701.
- Reverse leakage mechanisms of liquid metal contacts onto II-VI group semiconductor (Ga/p-WSe2). Achamma Bobby, PS Gupta and Bobby Antony. Eur. Phys. J.: Appl. Phys. 62 (2013) 20104.
- Total cross section for chloroflouromethanes and CClx radicals by electron impact. Dhanoj Gupta and Bobby Antony. J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phenom. 186 (2013) 25-29.
- Calculations of electron collision and ionization of rare gas dimers. Biplab Goswami, Rahla Naghma and Bobby Antony. Mol. Phys. 111 (2013) 3047-3053.
- Effect of tunnelling current on the reverse I-V characteristics of In, Al-pWSe2 Schottky diodes. Achamma Bobby, PS Gupta and Bobby Antony. Eur. Phys. J.: Appl. Phys. 60 (2012) 10104.
- Electron impact total cross section for acetylene over an extensive range of impact energies (1 eV - 5000 eV). Minaxi Vinodkumar, Avani Barot, and Bobby Antony. J. Chem. Phys. 136 (2012) 184308.
- Impact rotationally elastic total cross section for prebiotic molecules (H2CO and HCOOH) over wide range of incident energy (0.01 eV – 2000 eV). Minaxi Vinodkumar, Harshad Bhutadia, Nigel Mason and Bobby Antony. Phys. Rev. A 84 (2011) 52701.
- Theoretical investigation of electron impact total ionization cross sections for N(CH3)3, NH(CH3)2, NH2CH3, P(CH3)3, PH(CH3)2 and PH2CH3 molecules. Harshad Bhutadia, Minaxi Vinodkumar and Bobby Antony. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59 (2011) 2873-2876.
- Electron impact total ionization cross sections for atoms with Z=49-54. R. Naghma, B. N. Mahato, M. Vinodkumar and B. K. Antony J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44 (2011) 105204.
- Calculations of total ionization cross sections for halogen compounds on electron impact from threshold to 2 keV. M Vinodkumar, H Bhutadia and B Antony. Indian J. Phys. 85 (2011) 1761-1766.
- Electron impact total ionization cross sections for halogens and their hydrides. Minaxi Vinodkumar, Rucha Dave, Harshad Bhutadia and Bobby Antony. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 292 (2010) 7-13.
- Screening-corrected electron impact total and ionization cross sections for boron trifluoride (BF3) and boron trichloride (BCl3). Minaxi Vinodkumar, Kirti M. Korot, Chetan Limbachiya and Bobby Antony. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 245202.
- N2-, O2- and air-broadened half-widths and line shifts for transitions in the n3 band of methane in the 2726 to 3200 cm?1 spectral region. Bobby Antony, Daniel L. Niles, Sarah Wroblewski and Robert R. Gamache. J. Molec. Spectrosc. 251 (2008) 268-281.
- Self-broadened half-widths and self-induced line shifts for water vapor transitions in the 3.2–17.76 ?m spectral region via complex Robert–Bonamy theory. Bobby Antony and Robert Gamache. J. Molec. Spectrosc. 243 (2007) 113-123.
- Calculation of elastic, ionization & total cross sections for inert gases upon electron impact: threshold - 2 keV. Minaxi Vinodkumar, Chetan Limbachiya, Bobby Antony and K N Joshipura. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40 (2007) 3259-3271.
- Self-broadening of water vapor transitions via the complex Robert-Bonamy theory. Bobby Antony, Steven Neshyba and Robert Gamache. J. Quant. Spectrosc. & Radiat. Transfer 105 (2007) 148-163.
- Electron impact total and ionization cross-sections for some hydrocarbon molecules and radicals. Minaxi Vinodkumar, K. N. Joshipura, C. G. Limbachiya and B. K. Antony. Euro. Phys. J. D 37 (2006) 67-74.
- Modified complex Robert-Bonamy formalism calculations for strong to weak interacting systems. Bobby Antony, Peter Gamache, Carlos Szembek, Danielle Niles, and Robert R Gamache. Mol. Phys. 104 (2006) 2791-2799.
- Total and ionization cross sections of electron scattering by fluorocarbons. B K Antony, K N Joshipura and N J Mason. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 (2005) 189-205.
- Electron impact ionization studies with aeronomic molecules. B K Antony, K N Joshipura and N J Mason. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 233 (2004) 207-214.
- Calculated total cross sections of electron impact ionization and excitations in tetrahedral XY4 and SF6 molecules. K N Joshipura, Minaxi Vinodkumar, C G Limbachiya and B K Antony. Phys. Rev. A 69 (2004) 022705.
- R-matrix calculation of low-energy electron collisions with LiH. B K Antony, K N Joshipura, N J Mason and Jonathan Tennyson. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37 (2004) 1689-1697.
- Electron impact ionization of H2O molecule in crystalline ice. Minaxi Vinodkumar, K N Joshipura, C G Limbachiya and B K Antony. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. B 212 (2003) 63-66.
- Theoretical total ionization cross sections of CHx, CFx, SiHx, SiFx (x=1-4) and CCl4 targets by electron impact. K N Joshipura, Minaxi Vinodkumar, B K Antony and N J Mason. Euro. Phys. J. D 23 (2003) 81-90.
- Electron Scattering and Ionization of Ozone, O2, O4 Molecules. K N Joshipura, B K Antony and V Minaxi. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35 (2002) 4211-4221.
- Total including ionization cross sections of electron impact on ground state and metastable Ne atoms. K N Joshipura and B K Antony. Phys. Letts. A 289 (2001) 323-328.
Team Leader
Bobby Antony
Professor and Head of the Department, PhysicsIndian Institute of Technology Dhanbad, India.
Ph.D: SPU, India & OU, UK
Post-doc: TIFR, India | UMASS Lowell, USA
Associate Editor: Frontiers in Physics - Atomic and Molecular Physics
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Trains connect Dhanbad from all parts of the country via Kolkata, Delhi, Bombay and Chennai.
Bobby Antony
Professor and Head of the Department, Physics
Departme of Physics, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
Jharkhand - 826004, INDIA
Office: +91 32622 35406
Mobile: +91 94701 94795