About Us: The Computer Centre caters to the computational and IT related needs of the academic as well as residential community at IIT(ISM), Dhanbad since its inception in 1987. The Centre is presently operating from its own building situated near New Academic Complex of IIT(ISM) Campus. The Computer Centre has a state of the art Campus Network providing fast and seamless net connectivity to campus users. The Computer Centre is having a dedicated Automation Centre in a separate building for the development and maintenance of academic and non-academic modules as per the requirement of the institute. The Computer Centre is also running a Data Centre with servers, storage and virtualization software to host eoffice, in-house developed MIS modules, scientific software etc. The HPC is also part of the Computer Centre having 48 nodes apart from the master node and a GPU. Three Computer Labs equipped with 160 computers each for holding lab classes of different departments, online placement and recruitment tests are also managed by the Computer Centre. The Computer Centre developed and maintains two studios, eleven smart classrooms, Telephone Exchange, Biometric attendance system and IP surveillance system. The Computer Centre is dedicated towards strengthening the Institute’s IT infrastructure to meet the expectations of its stakeholders.