Dr. Soumitra Maity

Dr. Maity was born and raised in contai, purba medinipur (W. B). He received his BSc in Chemistry from Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Narendrapur in 2002 and MSc in 2004 from Calcutta University. His PhD research was conducted at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (Kolkata, India) and was focused on the synthesis of natural products with Prof. Subrata Ghosh. After successfully defending his PhD thesis, In the fall of 2010, he moved to USA to work with Prof. Nan Zheng at the University of Arkansas to develop new methods for the formation of C–C and C–N bonds by visible-light photoredox catalysis. After spending more than two years at Arkansas, Maity took up a 2nd postdoctoral position at UC-Berkeley to work with Prof. Thomas P. Maimone where he worked in total synthesis of natural products. In 2014 he back to India to join as INSPIRE Faculty at CSIR-CSMCRI, Gujarat. Since December 2014, he has been an Assistant Professor in the department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, IIT(ISM), Dhanbad.

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Professional Experience:

April 2022-Present:
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, IIT (ISM)-Dhanbad

Dec 2014-March 2022:
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry& Chemical Biology, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad

Jan 2014-Nov 2014:
AcSIR Assistant Professor, INSPIRE Faculty, CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, Gujarat.

Postdoctoral Research (Oct 2012-Oct 2013):
Supervisor: Prof. Thomas P. Maimone; University of California – Berkeley, USA

Postdoctoral Research (Sept 2010-Sept 2012):
Supervisor: Prof. Nan Zheng; University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA

Academic Qualifications:

2010: Ph. D. :
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata; Organic Chemistry; Supervisor: Prof. Subrata Ghosh

2004: M. Sc. :
Organic Chemistry, Science College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata.

2002: B. Sc.(Hons) :
Chemistry, Ramakrishna Mission Residential College Narendrapur, University of Calcutta, Kolkata.

Awards and Fellowship

  • INSPIRE Faculty Award: July 2013 (DST), India.

  • Doctoral Fellowship: Feb 2005 – Aug 2010 (CSIR), India.

  • National Eligibility Test (NET- 2004): Qualified as JRF, CSIR-India.

  • Graduate Aptitude Test (GATE-2004): Qualified with percentile: 99.06; All India rank: 30.

  • National Scholarship from Government of India, (1999-2002).