Innovative Management Strategies:
Exploring novel approaches to organizational leadership, decision-making, and strategic implementation.
Sustainable Business Practices:
Analyzing the integration of environmental, social,
and ethical considerations into management strategies.
Digital Transformation:
Investigating the impact of technology on various
management functions, from marketing to operations for sustainable growth.
Global Economic Trends:
Examining the evolving economic landscape and its
implications for international business and trade.
Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation:
Uncovering the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in driving economic growth and competitiveness
Sustainable Supply Chain & Operations Management:
Recent developments in the supply chain, Industry 4.0, AI & ML applications, applications of heuristics, and carbon footprint management.
Marketing Management:
Sustainable Marketing, Digital and Social Media
Marketing, Emerging Technologies in Marketing, Marketing Models and Analytics.
Human Resource Management:
Recent developments in HR, the impact of AI in HR, CSR, Gender diversity and Inclusion and Social Sustainability.
Economics & Financial Management:
Recent developments in macroeconomics, monetary policy, FinTech, financial stability, labor market, corporate finance, accounting, valuation, financial markets, ESG & sustainability, AI, Behavioural
Finance and ML in economics and finance.