Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer
- Make: Rigaku Oxford Diffraction
- Model: Supernova
- Faculty-in-Charge: Prof. H. P. Nayek
- Email:
- Phone: 0326-223-5756
Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction Facility (SCXRD) at CRF is provided with a Rigaku Oxford Diffraction system equipped with state of art CCD Eos S2 detector. This is a non-destructive analytical technique. This is used to explore structure, bong lengths, bond angles of chemical compounds and details of site-ordering within the crystal.
The key features of SC-XRD includes:
1.) Up to 50 W microfocus X-ray tube (Mo source) with multilayer optics.
2.) High precision 4-circle kappa goniometer.
3.) Measurement temperature: room temperature to 100 K.
4.) CrysAlisPro: Powerful user-friendly software for data collection and data reduction.
5.) AutoChem 3.0 for fully-automated structure solution and refinement.