X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS)
- Make: PHI
- Model: 5000 versa probe III
- Faculty-in-Charge: Prof. R Thangavel
- Email: xps_crf@iitism.ac.in
- Phone: 0326-223-5916
PHI III Scanning XPS Microprobe
The VersaProbe III is a highly versatile, multi-technique instrument with PHI’s patented, monochromatic, micro-focused (< 10 um), scanning X-ray source. The instrument offers a true SEM-like ease of operation with superior micro area spectroscopy and excellent large area capabilities.
Optimized Configuration
A focused X-ray beam, high sensitivity spectrometer, high performance floating column argon ion gun, turnkey dual beam charge neutralization, compucentric Zalar™ rotation, and advanced data reduction algorithms provide the highest performance XPS depth profiling capability available. The standard monatomic argon ion gun is capable of generating 5 eV to 5 keV Ar ion beams and is ideally suited for most inorganic depth profiling applications.
The key features of XPS includes:
1.) Scanned, micro-focused, monochromatic X-ray beam
2.) X-ray beam induced secondary electron imaging (SXI)
3.) Dual beam charge neutralization
4.) 128 data channel detection
5.) Chemical state imaging
6.) Single Crater multi-point depth profiling
7.) Floating column monatomic Ar ion gun
8.) Compucentric Zalar™ rotation
9.) Angle dependent XPS
10.) Five axis automated sample manipulator
11.) 25 mm and 60 mm diameter sample mount