To promote empowerment of scheduled tribes in Jharkhand through tailor made scientific interventions for sustainable economic wellbeing.

Capacity-Building Programs We design and deliver certification programs in IT and computer-related skills for tribal students, available in both online and offline modes. These programs enhance employment opportunities for the tribal population, facilitated by IIT (ISM) Dhanbad through MoUs with industry partners. Training Program Overview
  • Start Date: 01 July 2024
  • Scope: Basic and Advanced level computer training
  • Curriculum: Hands-on experience with computer operations, software applications, and internet usage

  • To empower tribals of Jharkhand through customized & tailor made capacity building & skill development programs.
  • To provide an interface for academia, industry, and government for collaborating in the area of tribal development in Jharkhand.
  • To provide sustainable means of livelihood to the tribals of Jharkhand through appropriate scientific interventions.

Semester 1

Week 1
Computer and Its Components-Introduction of computer, Software and Hardware.
Week 2
Computer and Its Components (continued)-Computer Characteristics, Generations of Computers, Applications of Computers.
Week 3
Microsoft Office-Introduction to MS Office, How to Start Microsoft Word, The File Tab, The Ribbon.
Weeks 4-5
Microsoft Office-Creating a Document, Font, Insert, Save the file, Microsoft Word Opening, Saving, Insert Options.
Weeks 6-7
Microsoft Office-Draw, Design Tab, Layout, Reference Tab Mailing, Review, View Tab Review and Practical Assignments-Review of Semester 1 contents, Hands-on projects and assessment

Semester 1(Mid-Sem)

Week 8
Microsoft PowerPoint- Introduction, Modifying the Display of the Ribbon, The Screen and Its Elements. Quick Access, The Ribbon, and the Tabs, Thumbnails, Note Field, The Status Bar, View Buttons.
Week 9
Microsoft PowerPoint-Basic Tasks in PowerPoint, start a New Blank Presentation, choose a Color Theme, Putting Content in the Presentation
Weeks 10-11
Microsoft PowerPoint- Basic Tasks, New Presentation, Colour Theme, Content, Charts, Smart Art, Tables, Drawings, Animation, Slide Show, Microsoft Excel Introduction, Basic Functions
Weeks 12-13
Microsoft Excel Introduction, Basic Functions, learn to use formula Review and Practical Assignments-Review of Semester 2 content, Hands- on projects and assessment.

End Semester 1

Semester 2

Weeks 14-16
Spreadsheet Application, Formulas and functions.
Weeks 17
Basic course on Tally, Introduction, History & Importance.
Week 18
Basics of accounting, Key accounting terms, Assets & liabilities, Revenue.

Semester 2 (Mid-Sem)

Weeks 20
Introduction to Python.
Week 21-22
Python- Statements, comments, keywords, Identifiers, Jupyter notebook
Weeks 23
Introduction to tools- Anaconda, Jupyter, Notebook Interfcae.
Weeks 24
Flow of control and conditions (If, If..else, If..elif..else, Nested if).
Week 25
Introduction to Packages (What is a package, Available packages, Installation).
Weeks 26
Review and Revision

End Semester 2

Contact Info

Management Studies and Industrial Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
(Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad
Dhanbad- 826004