Camera - Ready Paper Submission

Please note that the last date for uploading the final camera-ready manuscript is December 31, 2025, 23:59 IST.
At least one author must complete the registration before uploading the final manuscript. See the Registration Page for details (provide the Registration page link).


Step 1: Preparation of Camera-Ready Manuscript

  • Authors must use the IEEE Template: Latex Template or Microsoft Word Template to prepare their manuscripts. Use the A4 format. DO NOT use the A3 format or US Letter format and do not paginate your paper.
  • Revise your manuscript as per REVIEWERS’ COMMENTS, which are intended to improve the quality of your paper before the final publication. The listed comments should be addressed carefully in your revision, it is mandatory for all authors to incorporate all the changes suggested by reviewers else their paper will be excluded from conference proceedings.
  • Each paper must not exceed 6 pages including figures and references.
  • Copyright Notice: You will also need to include a copyright notice at the bottom of the first page of your paper. The exact notice depends on the outcome of the copyright transfer process:
    • For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 979-8-3315-4210-8/25/$31.00 ©2025 Crown
    • For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 979-8-3315-4210-8/25/$31.00 ©2025 European Union
    • For all other papers the copyright notice is: 979-8-3315-4210-8/25/$31.00 ©2025 IEEE
  • MSWord users can use: ‘Insert’ -> ‘Text box’, insert the appropriate copyright notice in the textbox, and place the box (without border) at the bottom-left on the first page.
  • LaTeX users can add the following lines just before '\begin{document}' for the copyright notice to show up.
  • In accordance with the IEEE policy, plagiarism should be less than 20%. Therefore, the conference reserves the right to reject the final manuscript which is found to have high degree of plagiarism after registration without refund.

Step 2: PDF eXpress paper validation

After carefully checking, if your manuscript conforms to IEEE Xplore guidelines, you need to get it approved by IEEE PDF eXpress. For this purpose, you can login (Enter conference ID: 64538X) to the IEEE PDF eXpress page to upload your paper for approval. If you have not used PDF eXpress before, you will need to create an account first:

  • Select the Create account link
  • Enter the following details:
    • Conference ID: 64538X
    • Your email address.
    • A password.
    • Continue to enter information as prompted.

Step 3: Final Camera-ready Paper upload on CMT

Upload of camera-ready manuscripts is handled through Microsoft CMT portal of SSDEE- 2025 (Need to upload at the official Microsoft CMT portal of SSDEE-2025)

  • Login to CMT using your username and password.
  • In the Author console, click on Create Camera-Ready Submission.
  • Upload your camera-ready manuscript produced during the PDF eXpress, check (Step 2).
  • Click “Submit”.

If you have multiple papers accepted at the conference, you will need to repeat these steps for each accepted paper.

Copyright Transfer

  • One copyright transfer form is required for each paper, not one per author!
  • Login to CMT using your username and password.
  • In the Author console, click on Submit IEEE Copyright Form.
  • Click on the link given on the webpage to redirect to IEEE Copyright Website.
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions to sign-in the IEEE copyright form, and download the PDF copyright file.
  • Upload the PDF copyright file on the CMT portal.
  • Click “Save”.

If you have multiple papers accepted at the conference, you will need to repeat these steps for each accepted paper.
Any difficulty with final camera-ready paper submission, please feel free to contact at