Presentation Contents

We advise authors to use their own judgement to present the manuscript in a way that covers all of its contents, even though there is no fixed template for the presentation as of now. Authors are advised to include the following points while preparing their contents for the presentations:

  • Introduction
  • State of Art
  • Methodology
  • Simulation/Hardware Results
  • Conclusion
  • Future scope (if any)

The authors should also include the following in their title-page mandatorily:

  • Paper Title and Author Names
  • Name of Presenter with detailed affiliation
  • Track Names
  • Write the complete name of the conference on the title page.
  • You must add a slide for "Answer to reviewers’ comments" at the end of your presentation.
Oral Presentation
  • The presentation should be based on the contents of the paper which you have contributed to SSDEE-2025.
  • Presentation duration: 10 minutes; Questions & Answer: 5 minutes.
  • Number of slides to be presented: We are not advising anything on this, we will keep an eye on time as mentioned above. You make the slides as per your convenience. Make the presentation in such a way that it should be finished in stipulated time.
  • Keep necessary references in your presentation.
  • For Oral Presentation, In Virtual Mode, Only Foreign Authors are required to fill this Google Form.
  • All the participants have to send their presentations via above mentioned google form and the foreign participants who are presenting in virtual mode have to upload a video by 20.02.2025 (liable to change accordingly). The recorded video should include your presentation length of maximum 10 minutes and size of 25 MB.