Departmental Achivements

Details of Experimental/Research Facilities at the Institute

Mining Engineering Department

Rock Excavation Laboratory, Department of Mining Engineering
S.No. Type (Equipment/Software/Others) Name of Equipment (Model No.)/Software (Version No.)/Any Other Purpose/Uses/Key Application Full Name of Funding Agency/Institute Fund/Deptt. Fund/DDF/Any Other Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) Date of Installation Location where Installed
1 Fixed Equipment Bemek Rock Tester To find the resistance of material to fracture. Used by UG/PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Under Special Assistance Program Rs. 2,28,929/- 11.11.1987 Rock Excavation Laboratory
2 "OYO" Sonic Viewer 170 Dynamic Elastic constants of Rocks; Used by UG/PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Project No: 4113/89(Rock Excavation Project) Rs. 2,56,020/- 07.12.1990 Rock Excavation Laboratory
3 Cerchar Hardness test apparatus/Sievers J value Index setup Selecting suitable cutting tools, determining drill specifications and selecting excavation machinery; Used by UG/PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Centre of Rock Excavation Engineering fund Rs. 1,29,570/- 21.12.1993 Rock Excavation Laboratory

Cerchar Abrasivity test and measurement setup with PC and Microscope Abrasivity of cutting tools, picks, disc cutters; Used by UG/PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Dhanbad Engg.(demonstration)/Microvision System Rs. 1,50,000/- 01.01.2010 Rock Excavation Laboratory

Thin Section Analysis (Petrography) To analyse the mineral content ; Used by UG/PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Plan Fund, ME Rs. 5,84,054/- 25.11.2009 Rock Excavation Laboratory
4 Automatic Drill Property Analysis System Vibration and temperature measurement while drilling; Used by UG/PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Plan Fund, ME Rs. 8,50,000/- 15.06.2017 Rock Excavation Laboratory

Tool/Bit wear index setup Prediction of tool ware of rock cutting tools(i.e drilling bits/excavator picks); Used by UG/PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Project No: CPRI/2016-17/492/ME Rs. 2,68,134/- 12.12.2017 Rock Excavation Laboratory
8 Linear Cutting Rig (LCR) Setup Used for interpretation of disc cutting forces in mechanised tunneling and performance analysis of TBM Project No: CPRI/2016-17/492/ME Rs. 19,71,780/- 07.06.2018 Rock Excavation Laboratory

Universal Brittleness Test Apparatus To measure of rock resistance to crushing due to repeated mass drop impact(impact wear), Used by UG/PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Project No: CPRI/2016-17/492/ME Rs. 2,57,240/- 28.03.2019 Rock Excavation Laboratory

Field Equipment Continuous VOD mate; 2 Ch., Sl.No. VM0117 To measure continuous VOD of explosive in field, Used by UG/PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies 1213/M/501007/98-99 Rs. 6,72,000/- 03.03.2000 Rock Excavation Laboratory
10 Geometrics Geode-8ch For Seismic refraction survey for field seimic velocities; Used by UG/PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Equipment and Lab development fund Rs. 2,37,179/- 31.05.2007 Rock Excavation Laboratory
11 Seismograph with High frequency Borehole triaxial geophone To record vibration signatures during a blast event near to blast face (near field monitoring); Used by PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies DST Project USD 9268 26.06.2013 Rock Excavation Laboratory
12 Seismograph with High frequency Borehole triaxial geophone This is used to record vibration signatures during a blast event near to blast face (near field monitoring) Plan Fund, ME USD 4549 27.05.2016 Rock Excavation Laboratory
13 Blast vibration measurment Seismographs and analysis using software Seismographs are used to record vibration signatures during a blast event; Used by UG/PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Plan Fund, ME USD 16780.98 Rs. 17.08.2015 Rock Excavation Laboratory
14 Slim Borehole Scanner Used for optical examination of the borehole walls. It is able to detect intrusions, joints, mineralized zones, fractures etc; Used by PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies FIST DST EURO 43,000 26.11.2013 Rock Excavation Laboratory
15 Cavity Auto Scanner 3-D laser Scanning system for survey of underground voids and cavities; Used by PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies FIST DST USD 61,560 22.07.2014 Rock Excavation Laboratory
16 Software ABAQUS Academic Research edition licence Software 02 user Modelling the cutting behaviour using picks/bits; Used by PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Project No: CPRI/2016-17/492/ME Rs. 6,99,787/- 18.04.2019 Rock Excavation Laboratory
17 Fragalyst 4.2 Image Analysis Software 05 user Fragmentation Analysis; Used by UG/ PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Tequip III Rs. 5,31,000/- 05.09.2018 Rock Excavation Laboratory
18 Systat Software 13.2 -10user Statistical analysis Plan Fund, ME Rs. 2,00,000/- 14.06.2018 Rock Excavation Laboratory
19 JK simblast academic single licence with 10 user Blast design an delay simulation; Used by UG/PG/PhD /R&D project tests/ Industy sponsored tests/studies Plan fund, ME Rs. 1,48,840/- 18.05.2009 Rock Excavation Laboratory

Mine Surveying Laboratory, Department of Mining Engineering
1 Equipment Leica Total Station (1”) TS15I, R1000, Leica Geosystem, TS15I, R1000 Measuring all types of distances, angles and three dimentional points position during plane surveying TEQIP 15 2015 Mine Surveying Lab
2 Equipment GNSS, GS16 Leica viva, Leica Geosystem, GS16 Leica viva Measuring three dimentional points position in the form of WGS 84 and UTM mode. TEQIP 13 2017 Mine Surveying Lab
3 Equipment GYRO MAT – 3000, Leica Geosystem, GYROMAT – 3000 To find out the True north, Accurate alignment of tunneling and others. DST 150 2014 Mine Surveying Lab
4 Software ArcGIS Software, Esri, Version 10.3 Georeferencing of cadestral map, revenue map and village map, etc. Institute 10 2015 Mine Surveying Computer Lab
5 Software ERDAS Imagine Software, Hexagon Geospatial, Version 2011 Remote sensing application, enables to prepare enhanced geospatial raster images. Institute 6 2010 RS and GIS Lab
6 Equipment Digital Level DNA 03, Leica Geosystem, DNA 03 Find out the altitude very precisely and check the width of metal coated thickness. Institute 11 2014 Mine Surveying Lab
7 Software SARScape Software, Geospatial Solutions Process and Analyze SAR Data. Institute 8 2015 RS and GIS Lab
8 Software Auto Plotter, Infycons, Version 10 Professional Survey field data processing, contour genaration and preparation of plans-section, computation of earth work volume. TEQIP 4 2018 Mine Surveying Computer Lab
9 Plotter Electronic Plotter A0 Size, HP, Hp Designzet Z5400 Plotting and printing of verious plans, maps and section. Institute 5 2005 Mine Surveying Computer Lab
10 Software Gamma Remort Sensing Suite, Gamma Remort Sensing Entire processing chain from SAR raw data to digital elevation model, displacement map and land use map. TEQIP 16 2018 RS and GIS Lab
11 Software Bernese GNSS Software, EGNSSA, Version 5.2 multi-GNSS data processing software. TEQIP 10 2018 RS and GIS Lab
12 Software Geomatica Total Ed. Suite Software, PCI Geomatics  for processing earth observation data. Institute 4 2014 Mine Surveying Computer Lab
13 Software iGIS Software, GIS Geography Cartographical output, Web mapping and data driven pages. Institute 1 2012 Mine Surveying Computer Lab
14 Software DATAMINE STUDIO 3 Software, DATAMINE, Version 3 Processing of laser Scanner data and volumetric calculation. TEQIP-II 8 2014 Mine Surveying Computer Lab

Mine Ventilation, CBM & Methane Drainage and Mine Radiation Laboratories, Department of Mining Engineering
1 Equipment Breathing Simulator ( 2011 Motion System) ver. Studying the laboratory performance of closed circuit breathing apparatus Plan fund of Deptt. of Mining Engineering 4,308,000.00 15.02.2012 Mine Ventilation Laboratory
2 Equipment Gas Chromatograph (Model GC - 1000) For compositional analysis of mine air MHRD/181/ME & DDF 972,000.00 14. 08.2006 Mine Ventilation Laboratory
3 Equipment Thermal Property Analyzer For determining the termal properties of materials CSIR/327/2012-13 4,291,959.00 8.11.2017 CBM and Methane Drainage Laboratory
4 Equipment Godbert-Greenwald apparatus For determining the inflammability of coal dust Plan fund of Deptt. of Mining Engineering 1,173,516.00 31.08.2012 CBM and Methane Drainage Laboratory
5 Equipment Portable Aerosol Spectrometer
( Model 1.108)
For real-time monitoring of airborne respirable dust Plan fund of Deptt. of Mining Engineering 2,863,208.00 22.03.2013 Mine Ventilation Lab
6 Equipment Radon Measurement System ( Model : Smart-RT, Sr. No. 1802)
( Radon/Thoron Combined Unit )
For measurement of radon emanation from the uranium ore DST/(SERB)/153/2016-2017/489/ME 49,7,960.00 24.01.2018 Mine Radiation Laboratory
7 Equipment Laboratory Wind Tunnel and accessories For studying the aerodynamics of fan blades PCRA(1)/2008-2011/225/ME 1,607,469.00 12.06.2010 Mine Fan System Laboratory
8 Software Ventsim Visual Advanced University licence For ventilation network analysis of underground mines Plan fund of Deptt. of Mining Engineering 1,39,650.00
$ 1995.00
15.2.2011 CAMPAD Laboratory
9 Software Reservoir Simulator Software (COMET 3TM) For gas reservoir modelling of coal seams DST-SERB/190/2018-19/557/ME 8,75,000.00
( Approx)
$ 12,500.00
5/9/2019 CBM and Methane Drainage Laboratory

Rock Mechanics Laboratory, Department of Mining Engineering
1 Equipment Universal testing machine- 20tonne Cap. Providing compression to rock specimens/ materials Institute ₹ 36,629.80 Not available Rock Mechanics Lab.
2 Equipment Compression Testing Machine
(600tonne Cap.)
Providing compression to rock specimens/ materials Institute ₹ 257,924.00 11/14/1968 Rock Mechanics Lab.
3 Equipment Standard Test Sieve Soil gradation Institute ₹ 38.41 6/10/1971 Rock Mechanics Lab.
4 Equipment Tape Extensometer Demo. Of strata monitoring Institute ₹ 600.00 2/28/1971 Rock Mechanics Lab.
5 Equipment Extensometer-Mark-I, & Mark-2. Demo. Of strata monitoring Institute ₹ 3,215.00 5/29/1976 Rock Mechanics Lab.
6 Equipment Grinding, Polishing M/c Rock specimen preparation Institute ₹ 5,321.21 2/25/1976 Rock Mechanics Lab.
7 Equipment Point Load Tester (ELE make) Rock Index Testing Institute ₹ 1,505.30 9/6/1977 Rock Mechanics Lab.
8 Equipment 24 inch dia cutting saw Rock specimen preparation Institute ₹ 1,405.58 12/7/1977 Rock Mechanics Lab.
9 Equipment Digilog X-Y Recorder Data acquisition Institute ₹ 29,040.00 1975 Rock Mechanics Lab.
10 Equipment Compressive Testing Machine (Portable) Providing compression to rock specimens/ materials Institute ₹ 4,416.00 11/17/1977 Rock Mechanics Lab.
11 Equipment Moisture meter/Grain Size Analyzer Permeability Apparatus, Pocket Penetrometer Liquid Limit Device. Soil testing Institute ₹ 6,919.75 10/18/1977 Rock Mechanics Lab.
12 Equipment Point Load Tester (Terrametrics make) Rock Index Testing Institute ₹ 1,071.25 2/2/1978 Rock Mechanics Lab.
13 Equipment Schmidt Hammer, NR Type, Rock Index Testing Institute ₹ 964.00 11/6/1978 Rock Mechanics Lab.
14 Equipment Schmidt Hammer, L Type Rock Index Testing Institute ₹ 659.00 8/23/1978 Rock Mechanics Lab.
15 Equipment Electronic Moisture Meter (Sl. No. 734) Soil testing Institute ₹ 2,067.84 8/16/1978 Rock Mechanics Lab.
16 Equipment Tri axial Cell Rock Testing Institute ₹ 1,634.75 9/11/1978 Rock Mechanics Lab.
17 Equipment Stiff Testing Machine (MTS) Providing compression to rock specimens/ materials Institute ₹ 127,495.00 9/11/1978 Rock Mechanics Lab.
18 Equipment Portable Abrasivity Tester Rock Index Testing Institute Nil Not available Rock Mechanics Lab.
19 Equipment Grinder, Polisher and Cutter Rock specimen preparation Institute ₹ 1,185.20 11/4/1981 Rock Mechanics Lab.
20 Equipment Slake Durability Apparatus (HEICO Make) Det. Of rock weatherability Institute ₹ 17,575.00 6/21/1984 Rock Mechanics Lab.
21 Equipment Core Drilling & Lapping machine Rock specimen preparation Institute ₹ 39,000.00 3/14/1985 Rock Mechanics Lab.
22 Equipment Compaction Apparatus Soil testing Institute ₹ 9,124.50 8/26/1985 Rock Mechanics Lab.
23 Equipment Direct Shear Machine Rock Testing Institute ₹ 10,800.00 Not available Rock Mechanics Lab.
24 Equipment Vibrating wire stress meter Demo. Of strata monitoring Institute ₹ 15,118.02 3/12/1984 Rock Mechanics Lab.
25 Equipment NCB Cone Indenter Rock Index Testing Institute ₹ 501.75 7/5/1985 Rock Mechanics Lab.
26 Equipment Convergence meter Demo. Of strata monitoring Institute ₹ 56,687.00 4/4/1988 Rock Mechanics Lab.
27 Equipment Rock Core Drilling Machine Rock specimen preparation Under ODA Programme Nil Not available Rock Mechanics Lab.
28 Equipment Mini frac system Stress Measurement Institute ₹ 1,208,000.00 5/4/1992 Rock Mechanics Lab.
29 Equipment UTM - 20 T (electronically controlled) Providing compression to rock specimens/ materials Institute ₹ 364,832.00 5/5/1992 Rock Mechanics Lab.
30 Equipment Rock Cutting M/c Rock specimen preparation Institute ₹ 96,013.84 6/1192 Rock Mechanics Lab.
31 Equipment Travelling Microscope Rock Index Testing Institute ₹ 3,240.00 6/12/1996 Rock Mechanics Lab.
32 Equipment Microprocessor Base Electronic Balance 2000 gm. Rock Testing Assy. Institute ₹ 20,000.00 12/17/1997 Rock Mechanics Lab.
33 Equipment Direct shear Apparatus for soil with Proving Ring and Moisture meter. Soil testing Institute ₹ 64,785.00 4/28/1997 Rock Mechanics Lab.
34 Equipment Soil permeameter Soil testing Institute ₹ 13,600.00 4/24/1999 Rock Mechanics Lab.
35 Equipment Sieve Shaker machine Soil gradation Institute ₹ 24,991.20 3/16/1999 Rock Mechanics Lab.
36 Equipment Rock Surface Grinding cum Polishing Machine Rock specimen preparation Institute ₹ 131,642.47 2/4/2003 Rock Mechanics Lab.
37 Equipment Tri axial Cell (as per design) Rock Testing Institute ₹ 54,384.00 6/6/2003 Rock Mechanics Lab.
38 Equipment Data Acquisition system Data acquisition Institute ₹ 598,241.75 2/28/2003 Rock Mechanics Lab.
39 Equipment ‘LYNX’ make consolidation apparatus Soil testing Institute ₹ 22,192.50 Not available Rock Mechanics Lab.
40 Equipment Cube model of various size:
75mm - 3 nos.
150mm – 3 nos.
300 mm - 4 nos.
500 mm – 1 no.
Motorised vibrating table for compacting concrete cubes.
Cement testing Institute ₹ 37,260.00 2/28/2005 Rock Mechanics Lab.
41 Equipment Spider 8 Data Acquisition system Data acquisition Institute ₹ 268,090.00 5/16/2005 Rock Mechanics Lab.
42 Equipment Soil Compaction Test Apparatus Soil testing Institute ₹ 14,559.00 1/11/2017 Rock Mechanics Lab.
43 Equipment Digital Large Direct Shear Apparatus for Soil
50kN Capacity
Soil testing Institute ₹ 417,872.25 3/31/2016 Rock Mechanics Lab.
44 Equipment Los Angeles Abrasion testing device (Assembled) Aggregate testing Institute ₹ 15,000.00 2/9/2017 Rock Mechanics Lab.
45 Equipment Impact testing Machine for Aggregates
Aggregate testing Institute ₹ 9,537.00 5/9/2017 Rock Mechanics Lab.
46 Equipment Schmidt concrete test hammer
L type & N type hammer
Rock Index Testing Institute ₹ 233,020.00 8/11/2017 Rock Mechanics Lab.
47 Equipment Digital controller for MTS machine , Flex test 40 with extensometers and accessories Providing compression to rock specimens/ materials DDF ₹ 4,733,117.00 8/21/2017 Rock Mechanics Lab.
48 Equipment Schmidt concrete test hammer
(NR type) Proceq make
Rock Index Testing Institute ₹ 153,000.00 12/5/2018 Rock Mechanics Lab.
49 Equipment Hydraulic power pack for Tri axial test set up with volume change recorder Rock Testing Institute ₹ 147,500.00 1/14/2019 Rock Mechanics Lab.
50 Equipment Slake Durability Apparatus, Model AIM - 208 Det. Of rock weatherability Institute ₹ 70,543.00 1/31/2019 Rock Mechanics Lab.
51 Equipment Portable rugged full colour camera system for inspecting and recording the side wall and bottom of wet or dry boreholes. borehole survey Ministry of Coal Project ₹ 1,646,740.00 12/26/2019 Rock Mechanics Lab.
52 Equipment PC for Acoustic emission sesor based system for study of rock damage mechanics Rock Testing Assy. Institute ₹ 238,655.00 3/16/2020 Rock Mechanics Lab.