Financial Support to full-time PhD Students for Attending International Conference/Symposium IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
The Financial Assistance is provided to Full-Time PhD students for attending international conferences, where the submitted abstract/paper should be accepted for oral presentation. Short-listing will be done in 2 rounds: Qualification criteria and Selection criteria.
A. Qualification Criteria:
- Should not have received such type of prior travel support from Institute for international conference during their stay at IIT(ISM), Dhanbad.
- Should have spent ≥3 years in the department.
- One published / accepted research paper in SCI/SCIE/SSCI/AHCI/ABDC/MCI/SCOPUS indexed Journals, which should form a substantive part of thesis.
B. Selection Criteria:
- Credit through OGPA from Credit course: 30% weightage.
- Credit through Research: 30% weightage
Credit through Publications: 40% weightage
- Peer-reviewed SCI/SCIE/SSCI/AHCI/ABDC/MCI/SCOPUS indexed Journals publications from PhD thesis will only be considered
- Applicant first author: 100% weightage
- Applicant is not first author: 50% weightage.
The norms are as follows:
- Rs. 50,000 for attending conference in North America, Australia, South America, New Zealand
- Rs. 35,000 for attending conference in Europe, Far-East Asia, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, Africa
- Rs. 20,000 for attending conference in Neighbouring Countries, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Burma, Pakistan, Gulf Countries, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Maldives
- Support for other countries will be decided as case-to-case basis.
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Note : For students who have joined before Academic Session 2018-19, Credit through Research Publications will be considered for the proposed Travel Grant.