General Guidelines for Organizing Seminar/Symposium/Conference

Following are the approved general guidelines for organizing seminar/symposium/conference.

Administrative Approval for Organizing Seminar/Symposium/Conference:
Any proposal for organizing Seminar/Symposium/Conference etc. should first be discussed in DAC of the concerned Department. The Convenor / Coordinator should forward such proposal to Associate Dean (R&D), IIT(ISM) Dhanbad through e-office along with the duly filled form.
Form Link:-Form for holding National and International Conferences

Operation of Bank Account:

Funds should be received in the seminar account of the Institute, accounted through an individual ledger account under Project Account entity. All the money received for organizing the Seminar/Symposium/conference should be deposited in the bank and should be duly acknowledged through numbered official money receipt with joint signature of organizing Secretary and Treasurer. The details of the account are:
Name of the Account: IIT (ISM) Special Fund
Account Number: 0986101024892
Name of the Bank: Canara Bank
IFSC: CNRB0000986

The institute purchase norms should be followed for the purchases/services made for the Conference/Seminar etc.
The payment for the food and beverages should be as per GoI guidelines.